World Cup of Transformation

Key Benefits of The World Cup of Transformation

  • Elevate Your Game: Engage with world-class coaches to uncover and overcome your hidden barriers.
  • Professional Advancement: Learn strategies that will propel your career forward by breaking out of status quo thinking.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals in a serene, inspiring environment.

Asia Cup Leadership Retreat

The Experience

Encore is the possibility of discovering where you are , what’s possible in life and breaking through all barriers. You will leave Bacolod with the freedom and power to take a stand for a win-win world. A world of us and we. Where ever you are in your life journey, living in a transformed way is not a linear experience. Although we may have had breakthroughs, it doesn’t mean there won’t be reinvention and SLS Encore will get us in touch with the context of our lives so that we may alter it as we see fit and that generates a transformed life. A life you love.

Trainer Academy

The Possibility of Mastery in SLS Transformational Leadership

The SLS Trainer Academy has become the elite pathway to being an effective global trainer, leader, and coach. Whether your calling is to be a trainer or you’re committed to being an extraordinary player and leader in your industry or circle of influence, the Academy equips you in seeing the world through the eyes of a transformational leader who empowers others no matter the circumstances.

The journey of your global trainer certification consists of approximately six months and includes a Vanguard Mastery handbook, one-on-one mentorship guidance, as well as a group environment to provide actual training room simulation. You will learn to share distinctions effectively resulting in people experiencing life in a new way and taking intentional action.

The tools you’ll attain in the program will be those you will continually use inside and outside of the training room. They are the kind of tools you’ll consider invaluable and always carry with you to make a difference.

Join us, Register now!

The Founders Circle

The Leadership Adventure